See Our

We believe in a world where diversity is celebrated, individuals are empowered, and talent is never squandered.

We're all gifted in various ways, just as surely as we are all limited in other ways. It is our belief that society has a vested interest in empowering every individual regardless of their limitations. To do anything else isn't just unethical, it's wasteful! Imagine a world without Steven Hawking, Franklin Roosevelt, or Ray Charles. Now imagine how much human potential we could unlock if we all supported each other unconditionally, handicaps and all.

Ableism Is

We believe that "ableism," a word referring to society's prioritization of those who are seemingly healthy and capable, does a disservice to society. It's also a touch ironic. By exclusively, prioritizing the healthy and capable at the expense of others, society runs the risk of eliminating opportunities for handicapped individuals to contribute. Considering just how many strong, brilliant, powerful handicapped individuals this world has produced, and how fundamentally they have changed history in myriad ways, ableism is ultimately a disabling force making society weaker in the long run.

What we believe?

We Are